I came across this quote from a book the other day...
My brother was so lucky, he got this book while he had classes under the great photographer, Raymund Isaac.It's a very inspiring book, which includes some of the best shots that he has taken over the 20+ years of his practice as a fashion photographer.
It's such an amazing book, I love looking at all the pretty pictures he has taken. My brother also told me stories that he heard from Raymund himself, about how he does his shoots, and it makes me feel so inspired. Do get your hands on a copy if you can, it's a beautiful piece...unfortunately, I don't think it's being sold. It was made in partnership with the Facial Care Center to celebrate beauty, so the prints are quite limited.
If you know a photobook with inspiring photos as well, do let me know, because I'm currently collecting them. :) You can check out more of the photographer's works by clicking-> Raymund Isaac
That's a nice collection mimi (photo books) =) And your brother is really lucky to have Raymund Isaac himself as his teacher! :D